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1.       Which of the following Mountain passes forms the ‘tri-junction’ of India,China and Myanmar?
A) Nathu La        B)  Jelep La              C)  Bomdi La                        D)  Diphu
2.      Which of the following pass link the Srinagar to Leh?
A) Mana Pass      B) Rohtas Pass         C) Nathula Pass       D) Zoji La Pass
3.      Mountain ranges in the eastern part of India forming its boundary with Myanmar are collectively called as
A) Himachal       B) Purvanchal          C) Uttaranchal         D) None of the above
4.      Which of the following is called the Southernmost Himalayas?
A) Siwaliks          B) Himadri   C) Himachal D) None of the above
5.      What is the another name of Sahyadris? 
A) Aravali                        B) Western Ghats    C) Himadri    D) None of the above
6.      Which of the following is the oldest mountain range in India?
A) Aravali Mountains   B) Western Ghats    C) Himalayas            D) Both A & C
7.      What is the name of southernmost hill ranges in India?
A)  Nilgiri Hills  B)  Annamalai Hills            C)  Nallamalai Hills D)  Cardamom Hills
8.     Which of the following Himalyan mountain range  where the Kashmir Valley  lie?
A) Siwalik and Pir Panjal         B) Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar   C) Zaskar and Pir Panjal       D) Dhauladhar and Zaskar
9.      The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which one of the following?
A) Fold mountains                    B) Volcanic mountains      C) Block mountains            D) None of these
10.  The mountain range which stretches from Gujarat in west to Delhi in the north is the:
A) Aravallis         B) Vindhyas  C) Satpuras   D) Kaimur range
11.   Which one of the following is the junction point of the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats?
A) Javadi Hills    B) Anaimalai Hills              C) Nilgiri Hills          D) Shevaroy Hills
12.  What is the name of the highest summit of Nilgiri Hills?
A) Coonoor-betta          B) Anaimudi C) Doda-betta                       D) Vellangiri
13.  The hill range that separates the state of Manipur from the state of Nagaland is known as:
A) Arakan hills   B) Patkai hills          C) Barail hills           D) Manipu
14.  Which one of the following rivers flow between Vindhyan and Satpura ranges?
A) Narmada        B) Son            C) Mahe         D) Netravati
15.   Which is the largest physiographic division of India?
A) The Northern Mountains   B) The Great Plains            C) The Peninsular Plateau            D) The Islands
16.  The Eastern Ghats form the eastern boundary of which region?
A) Bhander Plateau      B) Chota Nagpur Plateau   C) Deccan Plateau
D) Kaas Plateau
17.   The Satpura range is situated between two west flowing rivers, They are
A) Narmada and Luni   B) Narmada and Tapi          C) Tapi and Mahi     D) Mahi and Luni
18.  The highest point in the Aravalli range is
A) Dodabetta      B) Anaimudi C) Guru Sikhar                    D) Panchmarhi
19.  The Khasi and Jaintia Hills are located in .
A) Arunachal Pradesh  B) Meghalaya           C) Manipur   D) Nagaland
20. "Himadri" is also called as ……………..
A) Western Ghats          B) Siwalik Ranges    C) Middle Himalayas          D) Greater Himalayas

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