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1.      The first sitting of Constituent Assembly of India was held on
A)9 December 1946          B)26 November 1946  C)14 August 1947              D)26 January 1950
2.    Constitution of India was adopted by Constituent Assembly on
A)26th January 1950         B)26th November 1949                   C)29th August,1947     D)9th December,1946
3.    Who proposed the Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution?
A)C Rajagopalachari        B)Jawaharlal Nehru    C)B N.Rao D)Dr.B.R.Ambedkar
4.    Right to Privacy is a constitutional right under Article……………of Indian Constitution.
A)Article 15    B)Article 14         C)Article 21         D)Article 19
5.     Which among the following is not a fundamental duty?
A)To upload and protect the sovereignty,unity and integrity of India     B)To safeguard public property and to adjure violence         C)To render legal aid
D)Who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child or as the case may be,ward between the age of six and fourteen years
6.    Right to Education is a
A)Fundamental Right                B)Legal Right     C)Directive            Principle     D)None of these
7.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Chairman of the State Reorganization Commission
A)H.N.Khunsra                 B)Fasal Ali          C)K.M.Panikkar D)V.P.Menon
8.    The most essential feature of a federal government is:
A)Supremacy of the Parliament         B)Supremacy of Judiciary    C)Division of powers between the federal and state governments      D)Single Citizenship
9.    Which of the Fundamental Right omitted from Article 19 of the Constitution by  the Constitution (44th Amendment)Act,1978?
A)Right to acquire, hold and dispose of property         B)Right to freedom of speech and expression     C)Right to practice any profession         D)Right to form associations or unions
10.            The right of Children to have free and compulsory education up to the age of 14 was made a fundamental right under Article 21 A of Indian Constitution in
A)2001  B)2002      C)2003      D)2004
11.  Which one of the following is not mentioned in the preamble of the Indian Constitution?
A)Sovereign   B)Socialist           C)Secular   D)Sociologic
12.The article of Indian Constitution which speaks about the creation of new states and alteration of boundaries of existing states.
A)Article 3               B)Article 5           C)Article 4 D)Article 6
13.Which article of Indian Constitution deals about citizenship?
A)Article 14-18        B)Article 36-51   C)Article 5-11      D)Article 6-12
14.Which Article of the Indian Constitution guarantees right to life and personal liberty for all citizens?
A)Article 15    B)Article 21         C)Article 41         D)Article 17
15. Who is known as the chief architect of Fundamental  Rights of Indian Constitution?
A)Jawaharlal Nehru         B)B.R.Ambedkar                   C)Sardar Vallabha Bhai Patel               D)Dr.Rajendra Prasad
16.The Article of Indian Constitution that give right to minorities to establish and administer educational institutions
A)Article 17    B)Article 18         C)Article 30        D)Article 35
Ans: C
17. The words ‘Unity and Integrity of Nation’in the preamble was substituted for the word’Unity of Nation’by
A)42nd Amendment          B)44th Amendment      C)40th Amendment     D)41st Amendment
18.Under Art.14 the state shall not deny to any person
A)Equality before the law          B)Equal protection of the law        C)Both Option 1 & 2      D)None
19.Which part is described as Magnacarta of Indian Constitution
A)Part III                 B)Part II              C)Part IV A                   D)Part V
20.          India,that is Bharat,shall be a:
A)Union of States    B)Federation       C)Confederation           D)Totalitarian state
21.What reflects the quintessence of the constitution?
A)Fundamental Rights              B)The preamble  C)Directive Principles     D)Fundamental Duties
22.           Which article of the constitution provides the right to protection against arbitrary arrest and detention?
A)Article 21    B)Article 19         C)Article 20        D)Article 22
23.           From which constitution India borrowed the idea of ‘Fundamental Rights’
A)Constitution of the USA        B)Constitution of Canada     C)Constitution of the France                D)Constitution of the Britain
24.           Which Article is related with "Abolition of Untouchability”?
A) Article 20  B) Article 19        C) Article 18        D) Article
Ans .  D
25.           Name the person who will head the Empowered Group constituted by Government of India for coordinating response activities with Private Sector, NGOs and International Organisations related to COVID-19.
A) Amit Shah   B) Amitabh Kant
   C) Rajnish Kumar   D) Shaktikanta Das
Ans. B

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